
January Min

MCDMA BOD Meeting Minutes January 18, 2024 Attendance: Board Members- Mari Wood, Cindy McCann, Kari Skogen General Members- Jerry Raychel,...
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MCDMA BOD Meeting Minutes
January 18, 2024

Attendance: Board Members- Mari Wood, Cindy McCann, Kari Skogen
General Members- Jerry Raychel, Mary Lou Raychel, Lynn Dormann
Call to order – 6:31pm
Minutes approved, agenda approved.
Presidents report – SCC wrap up. Mari is still waiting on a call back on the trophies. Will touch
bases with Karen at Valley Trophies.
Mari was approached by a club member regarding the possibility of doing away with the 10 dog
class and instead having a 4 dog class with a 6 dog pool. Discussion followed; we’ll look at the
classes offered and consider a 4 and 8 dog class. Mari expressed a need to have more time to
prepare for the South Central Challenge. This year felt rushed and very last minute.
Starting in February, 2024, MCDMA BOD will meet on the second Thursday of the month
Mari would like Alyssa to help her out with the Jot form and how it works. There were problems
with both the online entry and the raffle. Also, how can we get our online signups to show up
on the registration page?
Mari would like cross training on the online duties; as well as an additional BOD member. Bob
Chlupach has indicated that he is resigning. We will need a nominating committee – Jerry
Raychel will head it, and Mari Wood will help.
Discussion on how best to get the minutes out to everybody. Decided that posting them on the
webpage would be the easiest.
Treasurers report: We currently have 79 paid members. We have $9779.00 in checking after all
checks clear. Our CD is at $22,398.32
We made $35.00 on merchandise. We should change the T-shirts to $20.00 and Patches to
$5.00 (currently patches are $3.00 and T-shirts have conflicting prices – a sign on the wall says
$20.00, but the sheet in the box says $10.00)
Online membership form needs to be cleaned up and the online entry form needs to be kept up
to date. Should we charge junior members to race? Discussion followed but no decision.
Unfinished and ongoing business: Snowmachine repairs – the snowmachines need to be
loaded on a trailer and taken in to be repaired. We need to invest some money into these
machines to keep them going. The snowmachine for sale in Talkeetna that Jerry mentioned last
month is no longer available. Cindy thought she might have a trailer available to load the
machines on. Turns out that that trailer is not large enough.